How to dress your baby for the night? This is a question that most parents ask themselves and it’s perfectly normal! Diapers, pajamas, sleeping bags… Here are some tips to make the right choice of clothes and materials depending on the temperature of the room. How to dress your baby for the night? This is a question that most parents ask themselves and it’s perfectly normal! Diapers, pajamas, sleeping bags… Here are some tips to make the right choice of clothes and materials depending on the temperature of the room.
How to dress your baby for the night? This is a question that most parents ask themselves and it’s perfectly normal! Diapers, pajamas, sleeping bags… Here are some tips to make the right choice of clothes and materials depending on the temperature of the room. How to dress your baby for the night? This is a question that most parents ask themselves and it’s perfectly normal! Diapers, pajamas, sleeping bags… Here are some tips to make the right choice of clothes and materials depending on the temperature of the room.
The ideal temperature in your baby’s room

The Ministry of Health and Solidarity recommends a temperature of between 18 and 20°C in your baby’s room. This range allows him to sleep without being too hot or too cold. If a rather cool temperature is recommended, it is to avoid him having a sleep disturbed by perspiration, or difficulties to breathe.
To check the temperature of your baby’s room, you can buy a thermometer. Some baby phones also have this feature and allow you to check the temperature remotely.
However, it is difficult to maintain the right temperature depending on your home and the weather. It is therefore essential to adapt your baby’s nightwear to these temperature variations. Diapers, pyjamas, sleeping bags, socks… Let’s see what are the good combinations of clothes to choose according to the different temperatures.

For each temperature, the right outfit for baby’s night
In a room between 16 and 17°C :
- Diaper
- Sock
- Long sleeve bodysuit
- Pyjamas
- Sleeping bag
In a room between 18 and 19°C :
- Diaper
- Long sleeve bodysuit
- Pyjamas
- Sleeping bag
In a room between 20 and 21°C
- Diaper
- Short sleeve bodysuit
- Pyjamas
- Sleeping bag
In a room between 22 and 23 °C
- Diaper
- Pyjamas
- Sleeping bag
In a room between 24 and 25 °C
- Diaper
- Short sleeve bodysuit
- Sleeping bag
In a room at 26 °C :
- Diaper
- Short sleeve bodysuit
In a room at 27 °C and above
- Diaper

If the thicknesses and the types of clothing have their importance according to the temperatures, the choice of materials is also essential to offer to your baby the most serene nights possible.
For bodysuits in direct contact with the skin, it is recommended to choose cotton.
For pyjamas, choose materials such as velvet, fleece or terrycloth up to 21 degrees. Beyond that, cotton pajamas are sufficient.
For sleeping bags, you can refer to the TOG value (Thermal Overall Grade). It indicates the thermal capacity of a garment. If your baby’s room is cool (up to 21°C), choose a sleeping bag with a high TOG value, since the higher the TOG value, the warmer and more insulating the sleeping bag. When shopping, don’t hesitate to ask the experts for advice.
Please note: even if it is very cold, you should never put a comforter, blanket or even a pillow in your baby’s crib to avoid the risk of suffocation. Hence the importance of a good sleeping bag, to keep him warm in complete safety!After an overview of the clothes to choose for the night, let’s not forget the other essential: the diapers!